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McGovern Celebration
2022 McGovern Celebrations
McGovern Center September 22, 2022
Stuart Bratesman
David Burnett
Michael Lloyd Carlebach
Diana Mara Henry
Stanley Tretick
Keith Robert Wessel
Slide Show
Democratic National Convention
Event Photos, September 21-22, 2022
McGovern Campaign Stock Photos
July 12 Reunion Zoom
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Larry Batson
Ken Bode
Pat Caddell
Cary Caton
Patricia Donovan
Richard Dougherty
Lt. Gov. William Dougherty
Joseph D. Duffey
Sara Ehrman
John Franzen
Joe Grandmaison
Charles Guggenheim
Bob Kholos
Henry Kimelman
Michael Levett
Frank Mankiewicz
John McKean
Eleanor McGovern
Tommy Noonan
Lawrence O’Brien
Stephen Robbins
Pierre Salinger
Eli Segal
Sargent Shriver
Dick Sklar
Mary Travers
Stanley Tretick
Prof. Richard Wade
Carl Wagner
Jean Westwood
Anne Wexler
Joe Slade White
McGovern Celebration Slideshow
Photos by: Stuart Bratesman, David Burnett, Michael Lloyd Carlebach, Diana Mara Henry, Stanley Tretick, Keith Wessel
California Primary Night June 6, 1972
Eleanor and George McGovern riding in the Barberton, Ohio Labor Day Parade - Sept. 4, 1972 – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Sen. McGovern campaigns at Fullerton Junior College during the California Primary, June 1, 1972 – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Eleanor and George McGovern by Stanley Tretick
McGovern in West Virginia just before the primary election- Photo by Michael Lloyd Carlebach
With Edmund Muskie, Buffalo, NY
Eleanor and George McGovern - Hilton Head, Georgia - Sept. 3, 1972 – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Boston McGovern Rally October 1972
McGovern at Niagra Falls
Boston with Mayor White
Sen. McGovern campaining the Sen. Eugene McCarthy at a September rally in Boston
CBS News Correspondent Connie Chung and Frank Mankiewcz
CBS News Correspondent Connie Chung
Sen. George McGovern on his 85th birthday by David Burnett
Sen. at a press conference with Coretta Scott King
Sen. McGovern with Bronx Borough President Robert Abrams
Sen. McGovern talks with the Rev. Jesse Jackson at the Los Angeles Wiltshire Hyatt House - May 27, 1972
Sen. McGovern talks with the Rev. Jesse Jackson at the Los Angeles Wiltshire Hyatt House - May 27, 1972
George McGovern with Matt McGovern and Sam McGovern-Rowen
Sen. McGovern meets with Los Angeles City Coucil Member (and future mayor) Tom Bradley at the Los Angeles Wiltshire Hyatt House - May 27, 1972
Gary Hart, Bill Dixon, David Clarenbach
Miles Rubin, Gary Hart
Eli Segal and Gary Hart
Lynn Caporale records Sen. McGovern during a phone interview in San Francisco, June 2, 1972
The California Delegation on the floor of the 1972 Democratic Convention in Miami Beach – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
David Aylward on the Convention floor of the 1972 Democratic National Convention – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Campaign pollster, Patrick Caddell
Coretta Scott King interviewed at the 1972 Democratic National Convention – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Frank Mankiewicz on the 1976 Convention floor
Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinem welcome Sen. McGovern to the Women's Caucus during the 1972 Democratic Convention – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
McGovern delegates on the Convention floor – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Judy Harrington talking with John McKean in the McGovern command trailer behind the stage of the 1972 Democratic National Convention. Behind them is Ted Pulliam, and Alan Kriegel is on the right. – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Jeam Westwood in the McGovern command trailer behind the stage of the Democtic National Convention, hours before she was elected the first woman to chair the Democratic National Committee – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Bill Clinton, Rick Stearns, Wisconsin Gov. Pat Lucey and CBS Correspondent Bob Schieffer in the McGovern command trailer behind the stage of the 1972 Democratic National Convention – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
The final night of the 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami Beach – © 1972 Stuart Bratesman
Helen Gahagan Douglas campaigning with Sen. McGovern
Sen. Thomas Eagleton with Sen. McGovern
At the Waldorf Astoria
McGovern in West Virginia just before the primary election- Photo by Michael Lloyd Carlebach
Matt McGovern with his Grandfather
Gary Hart
Eli Segal
Jim Rowan and Susan McGovern
Jim Rowan
Lawrence O'Brien
Anne Wexler, Gary Hart
Sara Erman
Anne Wexler, Joel Swerdlow
Pierre Salinger at the campaign headquarters at 1910 K Street
Joe Daly
Jeff Smith
Fred Wheeler drying prints in the basement of the 1910 K Street NW Washington Headquarters
85th Birthday Celebration
Celebrating Sen. McGovern's 85th birthday and the 35th-year reunion of the 1972 campaign
Sandy Berger and Iris Jacobson Burnett at the 1972 McGovern Campaign 35th reunion
Keth Wessel and Jean (Thulemeyer) Aguerre at the 1972 McGovern Campaign 35th reunion
Sen McGovern and John Podesta at the 35th-year reunion of the 1972 campaign
John Podesta and Mahala Bishop
Bob Woodward and Sen. McGovern at the celebration the Senator's 85th birthday and the 35th -year reunion of the 1972 campaign
Sen. Gary Hart
Teresa Petrovic and Sen. Gary Hart
Steve Robbins and David Aylward having dinner after memorial celebration for the Senator
Gary Hart, Morris Dees, Judy Harrington, Paul Sullivan
Steve Robbins at breakfast before the 2006 dedication of the McGovern Library in Mitchell, South Dakota
Stuart Bratesman
Leonard Nimoy
Photography by:
Stuart Bratesman
David Burnett
Michael Lloyd Carlebach
Diana Mara Henry
Stanley Tretick
Keith Robert Wessel