Photos by Diana Mara Henry

Gesture of Victory at the DC mini-convention: Sargent Shriver and George McGovern. All photographs on this page Copyright © Diana Mara Henry. About the photographer: after graduating with a BA in Government from Harvard where she won the Ferguson History Prize, and was Photo-Editor for The Harvard Crimson, Diana worked for NBC News and the Staten Island Advance before cutting lose in 1970, volunteering for the senate campaign of Al Gore Sr., and beginning her freelance photography career in 1971. In 1972, she got her first paid assignment photographing the primary campaign of Elizabeth Holtzman, and her photographs of Bella Abzug won her the honor of being the Congresswoman’s official photographer for all her subsequent campaigns for office and the only official photographer of the First National Women’s Conference in 1977 (website:  In the early spring of  1972, she got on the McGovern bus for the primary campaign in New Hampshire and continued to photograph  his campaign through to the election, with her photographs being used in McGovern campaign publications and teeshirts in MA, NY and nationally. She photographed the Convention in Miami Beach for Reliable Source.  Her papers and photographs constitute the Diana Mara Henry Twentieth Century Photographer Special Collection at U Mass Amherst. Please email with your thoughts! Here is a link from her website that speaks of her last meeting with George McGovern in April, 2007.

Joe Grandmaison, we all are thinking of you.

Eleanor McGovern during a campaign stop in a public school in Westchester county, NY.

DMH in shoe factory in Quincy, MA and later in the campaign. Thank you for these wonderful photographs copyright 1972 by Stuart Bratesman.
McGovern delivers his dramatic speech accepting the nomination for President of the Democratic Party at the National Convention in Miami Beach after Senator Thomas Eagleton received the Vice-Presidential nomination.
Bill Clinton listening to McGovern's acceptance speech for the Presidential nomination of the Democratic Party, Miami Beach Signed years later . and hear her discuss it at:
Delegates to the convention shooting the breeze outside their hotel in MIami Beach.
Thomas Eagleton, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Edmund Muskie. See Joseph R. Thysell, Jr. for Great Plains Journal, Volume 39, 2003
Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm joins her rivals for the Presidential nomination to acclaim George McGovern

Below, scenes from the convention in Miami Beach, including Yvonne Braithwaite-Burke, Father Drinan (US Representative from Massachusetts), Steve Schlesinger, Margaret Opie. Some of these photographs were used in Reliable Source, Dick Tuck’s newspaper for which Dan MacNamee and Rick Hirsh asked DMH to produce photographs. DMH had brought her darkroom down to Miami with her and set it up in her hotel bathroom. She didn’t have an assignment until she met MacNamee and Hirsch on the plane from NYC and they invited her to join them “on staff” of Reliable Source. Press passes “became available” the last night of the convention…..

Edmund Muskie all too human
NYC Construction site photo
McGovern teeshirt, donated to the collection of the McGovern Library at Dakota Wesleyan University
Thank you to Jan Levy for this flyer, using a photograph of George McGovern campaigning in Massachusetts
Delegate nominating Sargent Shriver as a replacement for Thomas Eagleton as Vice-Presidential running mate to George McGovern at the Mini-Convention in D.C.
Sargent Shriver accepting his nomination for the Vice Presidential candidacy of the Democratic mini-convention in Washinton DC. This photograph won a Newsweek-Konica "Focus on Politics" prize for Diana Mara Henry
In the groundswell of early fall, Sargetn Shriver campaigning on Long Island.
Acitivist Sally Popkin and group on the roof of a car at the same rally, identified for DMH by Mike Shatzkin years later.
George and Eleanor McGovern greeting Sargent Shriver's mother, Carl Albert and behind them, and father of Governor David Paterson. Below, more scenes from the Democratic Mini-convention in Washington DC including Eunice Shriver, Delores Tucker, Koryne Horbal.
Shirley Chisolm and her rival for the Presidential nomination at rally for McGovern in NYC
George McGovern Speaking at NYC rally for Soviet Jews September, 1972
The sage, scholar and activist Abraham Joshua Heschel and George McGovern at Temple Shaaray Tefila in Manhattan. As seen in Edward Kaplan's Spiritual Radical and in Mark Lempke's book, "My Brother's Keeper: George McGovern and Progressive Christianity."
Shirley Chisolm supporters in Miami Beach
McGovern on Wall Street
George McGovern and Richard Wade at Manhattan press conference.
Delores Tucker and Jesse Jackson at the Mini-convention in Washington DC
Coretta Scott King interviewed on the floor of the convention
US Representative from Brooklyn, Shirley Chisolm, who ran for the Presidential nomination, at the Convention.
Welcoming George McGovern to Harlem is Percy Sutton
Allen Ginsberg and US Representative Bella Abzug Bella Abzug on the rfloor of the convention. As seen in Bruce Miroff's The Liberals' Moment. More about DMH and Bella:
Betty Friedan, author of The Feminine Mystique, Elizabeth Holtzman, Addie Wyatt, founding member of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in 1972, and Bella Abzug!
On the primary trail in New Hampshire
Official thank you to Diana Mara Henry from Elizabeth Stevens, Media Coordinator, for the McGovern campaign.
In the last week before elections, DMH worked in a campaign office in the Bronx where her college classmate Donna Whitney Brooks had been volunteering.
Thank you for making this adventure possible! Thank you to David Aylward, Keith Wessel, Stuart Bratesman, Ethan Geto, Jan Levy, Patricia Funt. Dan MacNamee, Rick Hirsch, Mike Shatzkin, Dick Tuck, Donna Whitney Brooks, and all the wonderful people in my photographs! Thank you to George McGovern!
Thank you Stuart Bratesman for the memories of Diana Mara Henry and George McGovern at the Statue of Liberty. For an account of our last meeting, see
Lots more photos available. Email for contact sheets! This one #14k from the National Convention in Miami Beach with Steve Schlesinger, Delegate Debbie McNAmee, Dan McNamee, Elizabeth Holtzman, Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm and her husband Conrad, the South Dakota delegation, Hubert Humprhey, Addie Wyatt, Betty Friedan, Congresswoman Bella Abzug, more.
Thank you!